How could this be?
Just as we have taste buds in the mouth, it has been determined that there are similar taste buds residing in the intestine, near the pancreas. The pancreas “tastes” the sweetness and in response, makes extra insulin.
Insulin’s main job is to move sugar into the muscles to be burned for energy. If the muscles don’t need the extra sugar, insulin shoves the sugar into “fat stores” and transfers some of the stored fat to be used for the next famine. Fortunately we have not experienced a food shortage in the U.S. for many decades. However, Americans are not burning off the extra fat — to make any progress, people have to consciously reduce calorie intake and increase exercise activity.
Artificial sweeteners increase the production of insulin — even caffeine is an insulin-producing culprit. The body needs some insulin, but having excess amounts encourages damaging results. The ovaries are stimulated to make more male hormones — insulin overload can also irritate the lining of arteries in the heart and brain and triggers coronary artery disease and dementia. The stimulation and growth of many common cancers (e.g., breast, prostate and bowel) increases by hitting receptors for a hormone called insulin-like growth factor (IGF).
BOTTOM LINE: Unfortunately, diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners and caffeine. All artificial sweeteners (including stevia, splenda, saccharin, etc.) “tells” the body that it is receiving sugar and automatically increases insulin production. SORRY!